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Stede’s family and fortune has fallen on hard times, forcing him to attend a public and low-class high school. Canon-Typical Historical Inaccuracy (Our Flag Means Death).And Mike's more than willing to try it if it means saving Will.īut what if Will isn't the one who needs saving? Language: English Words: 27,369 Chapters: 6/? Comments: 49 Kudos: 92 Bookmarks: 11 Hits: 1976Ībrasivekitten Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV) It might not even be legal, but it's something and that's all Will really needs. It might be complicated and unconventional. Some knothead Alpha like Troy or James will claim him as their own and no one will be able to stop them. Will Byers is going to be an Omega-a male Omega-and the second that happens, he'll lose everything. There's absolutely no way to know what a person will present as ahead of time, but Mike's never been more certain about something in his life. Troy Walsh Being an Asshole (Stranger Things).Dustin Henderson/Maxine 'Max' Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair.Flurryofstarz Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)

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